The Power of Media Marketing

The Power of Media Marketing

Media is a means of communication through various platforms, from traditional media to the transition of new media. Traditional media includes television, print, radio, to name a few; and new media includes social media and any other form of advertising delivered digitally. Traditional media allows brands to target a broad audience whereas new media allows brands to narrow their target audience to be more defined (but on a much larger and significant scale).


Traditional Media

Even with all the benefits that new media offers, traditional media can still be useful to your business. For example, the use of billboards can assist in increasing brand awareness for businesses in local operating areas; while print advertising can reach those customers who prefer reading books and magazines.

Traditional media and new media can provide much value to your business when combined together, that’s why most successful companies still invest in both today! The most important thing to do is to evaluate the performance of both continuously and adjust marketing spend accordingly.


New Media

The transition of new media has benefited many aspects of businesses as it is an effective and easy way to market a business at a much lower cost and reach a wide range of audiences. The target of audience with social media platforms for instance is strategic and purposeful. New media has thus adapted to meet the needs of businesses in an increasingly tech-savvy world.

New media includes (but not limited to) the following:

  • Websites

  • Blogs

  • Email

  • Social media networks

  • Music and television streaming services (OTT)


The YDMA Group 

At YDMA, we offer various media marketing options that’ll not only boost your brand image, but also gain you more customers and strengthen your relationship with existing customers, ensuring they become advocates for your brand.

OTT (over-the-top) media

Audiences are moving towards streaming services, which is where your business should be. OTT allows you to target a niche audience that is more engaging as ads are shorter and "non-skippable".


Radio is and always has added a personal touch to marketing any business. This is because radio builds a relationship with its listeners, who tend to feel a connection with their favourite radio stations. The use of radio as a marketing tool for your business, will not only gain you exposure to a wider audience, but it’ll also ensure that your brand messages reach important demographics.

Television (TV)

It’s not just larger brands that should make use of TV as a marketing tool. Most businesses can benefit from the exposure to the captive TV audience. The vast number of TV channels allow any business access to various types of audiences and with being one of the most trusted mediums of communication, it could boost your business’s credibility. Therefore, we recommend TV ads for your business, as a great way to influence your target audience.


One of the best ways to deliver a personalised message is through email. That’s because 90% of emails get delivered and once your target audience signs up to your mailing list, that means they want to hear more from you. Email is our secret weapon to getting increased conversions of your prospective customers.

Social media

Social media is one of the most effective ways of building and managing your brand image. We use platforms based on what’s most appropriate for your brand, and create an exciting and engaging experience for your target audience. Your business’s social media platforms, reinforce your brand message ensuring you remain top-of-mind to your target audience.

The right media marketing strategy is determined by the type of audience you wish to attract. That is how you’ll get to see the power of media marketing and its contribution to your business’s success. 

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